Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Have you done hair transplant? what is your feeling? do you have any advice for me?How much is the costs?

I live in London, United Kingdom and I'm thinking about hair transplantation, but do not know where to go and different people give different advice me to do or not do. How much? I think it must be a trained surgeon to do a hair transplant. Go to medical school for training before the event you need one! Cost - about 5 years time and pay the way it really would be a transplant surgeon, or you have done yourself, it is not clear. I do not do hair transplant, I do not agree that people should do because it is a waste of time and money, are the price I have no idea, but very expensive over £ 1000 MAY
Monday, March 7, 2011

What does give a real and natural look hair weaving, hair bonding or hair transplant?

looks like they will for a bald person? what do they actually do and to work? how much do they? Hair plantation is expensive in India? Please help me with my questions? A comb made of the extent of hair loss from. , A "weft" mean many different things, but often when the patient's hair with synthetic hair of any kind increased. A wig can be supplied from a known source was detected in these days, but they require some care and is not for everyone. Transplant vary, but most surgeons calculate "per graft, again, the number of transplants required for the extent of your hair. Usually the grafts are taken from the back of the head and transplanted to bald areas. The results are variable and often dependent on the skill of the operator. I am sorry I have no idea how much they cost in India. But the forums on http://www.hairlosshelp.com/forums/ and http://www. hairlosstalk.c
Sunday, March 6, 2011

how much does hair transplants cost?

Matrix range from 2,000 to 10,000 average price of $ money wasted. There are many more options than this terrible act self-mutilation. Shaved head and "G-Cue" And do not try this nonsense LED, I have for many years and it never works and is extremely expensive. Many - Try LED Light Therapy is sometimes called cold laser - no laser, the light-emitting diode, the light in the infrared near. It stimulates the cells to proliferate. It increases circulation and oxygen supply. Hair can grow again if the follicle is not completely dead. In addition, Google is here - oops - Yahoo LED light therapy!
Saturday, March 5, 2011

How Much do hair transplants usually cost?

An array of U.S. $ 10-80 more than three Fitty much we do not know the exact price, but I heard about a case should not be so expensive. I heard a lot about this company called Bosley, taste it, I give you a free DVD to learn what they do. Please call 1800-985-6405 them is a new laser treatment is available, from a company called Gaunitz based in Arizona. The price is $ 4,500 for the laser and supplements. It seems to work better for male baldness, it's just hair thinning, baldness is not complete. The laser stimulates and repair of hair cells. the hair transplant surgery is very safe today. My cousin had breast reduction, abdominoplasty and plastic surgery in India which the company calls precursors of Health. The price paid surgery in India was much lower. She paid 30% of the price that was quoted in America. Precursors of health is very famous in India. Organised by the aesthetics and plastic surgery for foreigners in India. I read a lot about them in newspapers and on their patients' stories as they arrange the financing of the United States, Canada, UK and other international patients who have surgery abroad for low price, such as breast reduction, tummy tuck, facelift and other cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance. You have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India as the quality of health care in India is simply the best in the world. The surgeons are USA / UK trained and there are 5 stars. http://www.forerunnershealthcare.com Hope this helps .
Friday, March 4, 2011

How much is hair transplant for female?

Female hair transplant, how much does it cost? Instead of finding a solution, you would not find "cause" first? Hair transplantation, hair vitamins, hair growth pills all "solutions". Check the "Cause" before a solution is found, then remove. Your hair will be improved. Remember what it was that they fell in the first game, it took many years to get into your system, it will take years to wash, so expect no miracles overnight. So many reasons why you have hair loss: Supplements, steroids, hereditary, perm hair, direction, diet, with children (yes, I once read that it happened to her), stress, drugs with testosterone, certain antidepressants, menopause, anti- - acne, and too much of everything. Furthermore, they found 7000 + toxic in your home, plus the pollution found outdoors. Her hair is crying for help! When teeth fall out or hole, do you toothpaste? When her cries for help, that's when it's too late to do anything, and its products can not turn to the problem, they say that you usually lose 100-200 hairs per day, but I do not know. I lose 7-8 every time I brush, so that's about 100 per week, give or take. The majority of the problems here are the girls in the 30-year-old, asking how to take care of damaged hair, take a product that makes your hair grows, why hair falls out, and why their shampoo and conditioner is not working. Women aged 60-80 have the same problem, but it took years to get there. And 30 & under girls to give advice here? Now I have more difficulty responding Re: hair fall or hair does not grow on girls under 15 go figure! Even the cheapest shampoo can do magic for your hair, so it should be what you do when you wash it. Shampoos and vitamins can make your hair look and feel healthier, but do not put more hair on his head According to Dr. Melissa Piliang, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic. Americans spent about $ 176 million in products from hair loss last year, and it is likely that some money was well spent. Do not let the room particularly charming, seductive fantasy or publicity stunt to convince you otherwise. Source (s): Hair hair does not DX. I'm in my early 60's, and have gone through menopause, and I'm not experiencing hair loss, those who said I do not know what I'm talking about when it comes to hair. I have silky, shiny, soft, soft, very long and healthy hair. Previously damaged by permanent dye. What you see in my profile is what I have now. Is as thick as when I'm in my teens. Stress, rare. Shampoos and vitamins can make your hair look and feel healthier, but do not put more hair on his head According to Dr. Melissa Piliang, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic. Americans spent about $ 176 million in products from hair loss last year, and it is likely that some money was well spent. Do not let the room particularly charming, seductive fantasy or publicity stunt to convince you otherwise. Source (s): Hair hair does not DX. I'm in my early 60's, and have gone through menopause, and I'm not experiencing hair loss, those who said I do not know what I'm talking about when it comes to hair. I have silky, shiny, soft, soft, very long and healthy hair. Previously damaged by permanent dye. What you see in my profile is what I have now. Is as thick as when I'm in my teens. Stress, rare.
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hair Transplant?

Hi, anyone have experience or know someone who has had experience with the system Bosley hair transplant? Please send your experiences, including but not limited to, the cost of the procedure, pre-post and how it affects their lives, which means that you have returned to work the next day, so the unit and play the sport and I saw an improvement in hair growth after 4-5 months or so. I've also heard that even if the first procedure costs about $ 10,000, people are returning for visits and it costs more? any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hair Transplant in jordan?

how much hair transplantation costs in Jordan and the new hair falling again? I knew that this was not an option. If you do not take into account the welfare of the operation, I think you have medical insurance? Is it worth the risk? For more information on licensed physicians in Jordon visit this website: http://www.ishrs.org They can provide you with information and contacts via e-mail to receive physicians name Jordan. # 2: Her hair is transplanted into the recipient area with DHT receptors. These hairs are taken from the rear or back of the head should be moved to the front. Let way.do you look older mean ages 60-80 who are completely bald on top, but they have hair on the sides and back of the head. You want to know something.they want before they die.this hair because the hair on the sides and back, DHT free.meaning hair.so that they will not lose if you move the hair follicles front.t feature to keep the hair which means you do not miss the transplanted hair. This is what should do.READ HAIR RESEARCH.LOOK TRANSPLANTATION.DO DONE.KNOW have the best job they want and know to go to the end with all it.Not Hair Transplant doctors will do it for you. see anyone out there do not believe in just making you be happy.but money.they have to do your research and know what you get a good buy as car.you investment.its into.its For the next 70 - 10 years.you to buy and buy a new one when you get tired of doing HAIR TRANPLANTATION.you it.With. After 30, 40, 50 years.you you.But still need know.the there.May transplanted hair and hair fall out.DO original RESEARCH.Good Their fate ª.
Monday, February 28, 2011

What is hair transplant? and how much does it cost in india?

Array separate ur scalp and replaced by another person if your hair is different. about 90 IU all their money in India, hair loss or baldness in men, is certainly not a new affection for humanity. He has served humanity for centuries. competition in modern times and today's technology allows thousands of people suffering from hair loss to restore their natural hairlines. The fee will discourage many people who want to undergo this procedure, but are discouraged by the cost of hair transplant in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Thailand, France, UK, Belgium, Spain United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia and South Africa. In general, the cost of hair transplant can range from $ 4,000 in India for more than $ 20 000 in the United States. The hair transplant cost depends mainly on the number of grafts you need and / or the number of sessions required for complete It is important to note that costs vary hair transplant, it is important that you consult a number of doctors before an election, the price for a hair transplant, for example, $ 1.00 a graft can go India for $ 10.00 a transplant to the United States. In India, the price per graft varied according to physician experience. For example, usually a plastic surgeon charges Rs 55 per graft and a dermatologist Rs 45 per graft. Other for as little as 20 rupees per graft. But you have the credentials of the doctor you choose, to avoid disappointment to watch later. Other expenses to keep in mind when calculating a hair transplant is the cost for each other drugs, blood tests, anesthesia and facility fees. Please check with your doctor about a lot of overhead if at all before you register. Do not assume that the doctor's most expensive necessarily better doctor .
Sunday, February 27, 2011

how does it cost for a hair transplant?

I speak as the top of my head, it all depends on the size of area to be covered with acceptable Ness. The cost of the grafts (pieces of tissue with 1-4 follicles) was reduced to about $ 5 or $ 6 on average. It may be cheaper today. Be sure to consult a professional adviser. Small hair transplant grafts usually use 1000. The transplanted hair is greater than about 3,000 grafts. When calculating the cost of a hair transplant for you personally, you have the size of the bald area. When we speak of a "short hair transplant, we are talking, covering an area the size of the temples bleeding. When we speak of a" long hair transplants, "we're talking about cover most of his bald head. So we say, on the basis of this knowledge, it is possible to estimate the deposit as a medium range, so you see all that from 1500 to about 2,500 bridges. Find out what the price of the grafts in different hair transplant clinics, multiply the price with the estimated number of transplants, and you have the answer Well, it's a bit "hard to say because there would be many factors involved in size. ie the head, which is defined as before, the density of donor hair, etc.I undergone a transplant of 1,000 grafts done two days ago, and had a hair transplant center in Tulsa, Oklahoma (www. affordablehairtransplants.com). Although I am not approve any way.I must say it was a pleasure to work with their staff. My cost is $ 2400 and, although I expected to need more plugins (and thus spend more $), which actually was 1,000 grafts was all I needed (I can take a walk if they wanted). These grafts are placed on the forehead (hairline down) and after (vertex). I also recommend reviewing the following calculation: http:// skinandhairdoc.com/Procedures/GraftCalculator/tabid/85/Default.a Although the spirit aspx is what I used for my original estimate, and it turned over about 25-50% is recommended that the actual surgeon.
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Is hair transplant surgery worth it ,what kind of results can I expect?

Next month, I will always hair transplant, it will cost about $ 9000: s I have a bald on top of my head the size of a softball and I am 38 years old. Save your money and splurge on a beautiful lake cruise or vacation, you will meet new people and feel better than a head of hair is not like a human bowling ball in search of beats, if you can affford Hi, If you really want to grow your natural hair and has a natural hairline, hair surgery then your best bet. Besides hair growth, there are only three other treatments for hair loss approved by FDA - Propecia, Minoxidil, LaserComb. Propecia is to keep the hair you've already great, but not proven, regrowth of lost hair. Minoxidil grow back moderate amounts of hair, but only in certain cases. Finally, the LaserComb is still too new to prove effective, but who knows - it can grow hair as well. I had a Bosley hair restoration procedure done in July, and was not happy with the results because the procedure, I kept a blog called BattleAgainstBald.com. The blog shows the results of my Bosley hair transplantation and I also have a wealth of information about hair loss and other methods used to correct this. I'm sure the blog, any questions you may have to answer. Good luck in your fight against the shell and let me know if you have any questions. -Seth.
Friday, February 25, 2011

how much would it cost for a hair transplant of 1 sqaure inch?i was in a auto accident?

Baldness is the size of a quarter of U.S. $. I suggest u to visit this site, the solution is here http://beauty.ebiznus.com Keep using answers.yahoo.com Not really, but it is clearly difficult to answer without seeing the density of thinning hair and the position top. But you might want to have surgery follicular unit extraction instead of what they call the band surgery. Here are some of the sites of some hair transplants information http://www.hairtransplantmagazine.com http://www.hairtransplantinsider.com well. I hope to be given his injury.
Thursday, February 24, 2011

how much is the cost of hair transplant?

Cost, I googled and I found a site that look pretty good. Tell us what you think! Here it is: I have always http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/hair-loss-treatments/hair-transplant-costs.asp most information, see the website varies www.hairtransplant-india.org hair transplant will cost $ 1 - $ 8 The experience of some Indian doctors are the best in the world. They can get a HT for 1-2 USD. High quality finishes are done. And the more you can visit the Taj Mahal and Goa! FUE (follicular Unit Extraction) graft is the best and most cost between $ 12.04 per graft. An average transplant to treat a receding hairline at the front of the head 2500 transplants, which would vary between $ 10 - $ 30,000. Some doctors used to finance the work with payment by about $ 80-100 per month. I recommend getting quotes from three different doctors. You can get a free consultation by calling 866-271-4162 by Bosley.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

cost of hair transplant?

I want more information about hair transplant cost and side effects and need a good hospital, such as Chennai, Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu 10000000 or not this is the best place to find a real answer (you can see that some people like girls are simply too immature above). Why not look at a list of where you live, you can get the numbers there and ask for an estimate of the cost. Maybe they can also give you a free consultation. In the directory, you can visit the beauty section, or surgeons. Good luck! I have no idea where this place is.but many people. what they do is travel to other countries where the surgery is very expensive and not as good as anywhere else usa.is world.in as 5 or 6 or more if want.and elsewhere it varies widely.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How much cost a transplant in head,to add hair?

Can anyone tell me how much they cost of transplantation and growth of new hair and is the same as my real hair? its expensive but it is the only thing that really works, if ur going bald I suggest you post --- I just dumped my ex cuz he lost his hair - nobody likes a bald U is very slow! It is normally $ 5,000.00. Yes, that's your real hair and it will grow. It may take a year to see really good results. Depending on how you want, you can use a different procedure over time. Jeg ved ikke hvor du bor, men jeg kender en rigtig læge i Alberta, mange mennesker rejser til USA for at se det. If you are a man, do not worry. The men look so sexy bald head. Only with Patrick Stewart and Sean Connery look! Hair implants are expensive, and they're actually from your own hair.
Monday, February 21, 2011

Were can I get eyebrow hair transplant? How much does it cost?

I dont have much hair in my eyebrows and I have the shape eyebrow pencil. I do not want to dye eyebrows and look for more. How can I transplant hair and make them like the stars do not? Thank you really my son just told me about a person who tattooed eyebrows and they looked great, maybe it's cheaper, I would think so much. The process will take some of your hair and your face transplant. There are many cosmetic surgeons. Prices vary, but that's about $ 4000. I do not want to do hair transplant in itself. I do not think they would look right. If you are persistent with permanent eyebrow pencil, but, looking makeup tattooing. Many salons offer it, and you will not get more of a pen. I know someone who has eyebrows, and I did not know two they told me. I also know people who have made their eyeliner and liners. Check out some beauty salons in your area. Most suppliers have individual beauty eyelash glue is glue dries clear, and her hair looks very natural. I've seen people use them for several days (up to 5) at once, and only sheds hair naturally. You could probably use a pencil, the result would be good. This result is safer and more reliable than a tattoo or transplantation. Hope that helps. Hi Eyebrow transplants are becoming more and more popular. I had a traditional hair restoration in July with Bosley. I know that Bosley has offices throughout the country and was widely known to do the job too big eyebrows. Since my hair restoration, who kept an online diary of the results of BattleAgainstBald.com. I urge you to take a look because I've blogged a lot about the restoration of the eyebrow. See the link below. Good luck! -Set.
Sunday, February 20, 2011

How much do hair transplants cost?

I am developing a widows peak, and I think about it, and it is only the beginning (I'm 19) but I wonder how much it would cost, since it is not so serious? Who knows? The price for a single procedure can range from $ 3,000 to $ 15,000 range. I think it per graft. There are two methods currently used to harvest hair transplants. One of the stripping extraction surgery, where a series of scalp graft over 1 / 4 cut "by 8" from the back and sides of the scalp and then dissected in one, two or three hair follicular unit of wine under a microscope. The scalp is then stapled or stitched together. The number of scalp limited extraction scalp tightness and tightness in the back / or scalp sewn together, while they can never be so close. The other newer and generally more expensive than technology FUE (follicular Unit Extraction) and wood art. Every second or third hair transplant is extracted individually from a random location on the back and sides of thinning in the back and sides, then transplanted above, there are no scalpels, staples, meshes, and involved only a local anesthetic is used. The problem with the implementation of grafts for he does not know what degree of dilution / baldness will progress. Each method can be found online and there is plenty of information. There are also new research takes place. A line of research involves extending hair transplants in the lab and then transplanted. Another line of research involves injecting stem cells into the scalp, which then rejuvenate hair follicles developed to produce only fine hair down and leave again produce robust have hair thinned. Good luck! Hair transplants are very expensive, ranging from $ 2,000 to $ 15,000. I propose an alternative measure to treat a problem hair loss, since most of these are much easier and less costly to search, they can also act as good or better than laser surgery or hair transplantation. Yep, Steve is right. It depends on how much of the graft (each with 1-4 grafts). Is also essential if the clinician strip method (very expensive) or the FUE method. A graft cost between 10 and 6 of the best doctors, and believe me, you do not want to get a cheap HTS .
Saturday, February 19, 2011

how much does a hair transplant cost?is it effective?

Get variety of hair transplantation in India.Cosmetic and dental surgery is very cheap in India.The company is very famous in India, cosmetic surgery for foreigners in India.They called predecessor Healthcare.I arranged a lot of reading about it in the newspaper and about their patient stories. I've also read that there is funding for U.S. and Canadian patients is cosmetic surgery is not defined by insurance.They also pictures of their international patients.You have to drop their cash savings website.The cost incredible.As doctor I personally think your hair transplant easily in India as the quality of health care is handled here is simply the best in the world.The surgeons US / UK trained and there are 5 stars. my cousin has some cosmetic surgery in India face lifts, liposuction, hair transplantation is the precursor healthcare.she more than happy with results.s She just paid 30% of which was quoted in the U.S. and all praise for this forerunners healthcare companyâ personally seen great results and are particularly impressed with the kind of quality of care, won the company. Source (s): General http://www.forerunnershealthcare.com hair transplants have a graft from a starting price of $ 2 per graft up to $ 8. The current state of hair transplantation with grafts of art that naturally contain "follicular units", ranging from 1 to 4 hair follicular units. 2.000 graft or more major surgical sessions are conducted by leading hair transplant centers naturally. But the quality of the results to the patient varies widely from poor to outstanding. Price is important. But since the results good or bad for life, quality is the most important factor. Research a hair transplant surgeon that you can think of when you go to a discussion forum for the real results of real patients to see Pat - happy hair transplant patient and publisher of consumer advocacy ago - Hair Transplant Network.com.
Friday, February 18, 2011

Anyone know what a hair transplant costs?

I know there are several factors that come into the price, but I expected a rough estimate of wave. I'm saving $ $ $ and need a goal to aim. The sides of my head and back are fine, but the plan is very thin. I'm going to look like Hulk Hogan and Terry Brandshaw few years. Idea how much it could cost in the Midwest? Thanks. They have no idea what it costs in the Midwest, but we know that really cost a few thousand dollars to get here in Holland: Many artists have done: it is really great. Colors do not hesitate to call another center that perform this type of transplant and compare prices. A friend had. Never tell what the cost. Perhaps he was ashamed of the amount of money that went something not already done so, as he had hoped or expected. I can not help but think of all the money, the actor Burt Reynolds and actor / director / producer Ron Howard - they had a transplant if they are fully convinced that it made a difference in their lives, you may feel easily check your minimum health care prices on the Internet, for example here - quotes.talk4fun.net health.
Thursday, February 17, 2011

I want to go for a hair transplant in New Delhi. Can anyone tell me how much will it cost and the doctor pls?

I want to get a hair transplant in New Delhi. Can anyone tell me how much it costs and medical pls? I want to get a hair transplant in New Delhi. Can anyone tell me how much it cost and who will be the best place to do it? Thanks in advance, I live hair transplant is not good.In delhi.Go Shri delhi.And Kerala, is a famous street known and the world in the Gulf of hair etc.Check giving stick to Google. The cost does not depend on the transplanted hair. Hair Transplant in Delhi - http://www.jantareview.com/Delhi/c_1321/Dermatologist Dear Shri, I am in Delhi, Chandigarh, but it was my action on a recommendation. Dr. Darling Buds Bhatey that the latter procedure year.I am very pleased with the results. Unfortunately, there are good people Delhi has no hair transplantation. Dr. Bhattey can be contacted through its website, www.hairtransplant india.org He reacts very quickly to all requests. All the best.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How much is the average total cost of a hair transplant including maintenance?

I want to know how to save money for the procedure. In the Midwest, it's usually between $ 50,000 to 10,000, depending on the number of required grafts. If you are completely bald, apart from the hair around your sides and back, you should expect more than if you remain on hair that has to pay only thin. You should not need any maintenance, except headgear. Hair that is transplanted into the back of his head, took an area that is not genetically susceptible to hair loss. So does it mean when transplanted, it does not fall. Definitely do some research and go for more consultations, so you can ensure that the selection of the best surgeons. By the way, feel shaved head warm. Women think not so much on hair care than men. Remember to keep your money and walk instead of a kick @ ss holidays. Find out here
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cost Hair Transplant Dubai?

Does anyone know the average cost of a hair transplant in Dubai and where to get one? Bosley do you like? www.Bosley.com I just wanted to go home and contact them and if they know / of this facility in Dubai to see, and how much it would cost. Good luck! :) The hair transplant costs $ 1.00 per graft. The average hair transplant costs $ 1,100 together. The majority of prices depends on how many grafts you need and quality. Make sure to secure a physician and based on their reputation and training choices. Safety First!
Monday, February 14, 2011

what is the cost of hair transplant?

I know that prices vary according to the doctor and the situation. I just want to have a rough estimate. My hair started to recede, but my crown and its surroundings is very good. So I think I have a good supply of donor hair needs hair transplant. How much? Has anyone done this surgery before? and if so, how was your experience and your final bill? The cost: the hair of another person in western ky is $ 5 per card with a minimum of 400 cards per session. ;-))) I hope this has helped to give a quick response! You can give the name of DRS / real good results. I guess that means that the hair follicular transplantation is the gold standard. Gives very natural results. Here's an article that gives the prices offered by some leading transplant centers and ends of hair to get the best price. My husband has had excellent results. The procedure cost him $ 4.500 for 1,250 units. Most of its units had multiple hair. Plan two ways to obtain optimal results.
Sunday, February 13, 2011

How much does a hair transplant cost?

Array depends on the amount of baldness, but the 5K and 10K + completely bald on top. Hair Restoration usually costs between $ 4,000 and $ 5,000, but can be as expensive as $ 12 000 according to the doctor, and how much you want to restore. The website I found mentioned that grafts resulting in cost between 3-10, but the number of hairs per graft, a doctor may look very suggested such a doctor and ask him to learn. If I had the growth of hair I want to see a few different doctors and weigh the pros and cons for each of your best decision. Who knows, you can talk with different rates for each physician to see if you can put your favorite at the lower price!
Saturday, February 12, 2011

how much does a hair transplant cost?

the hairlne say about 2cm/1inch whole in order to reduce? The surgery is not scar is produced, and the results are better in the short and long term (FUE?) Although this means that it depends on your ball, I can only say in my experience a year when I went to Delhi after my hair transplant done in a famous clinic Darling Buds. I have not learned now working in Delhi, but is home to a city near Delhi, Chandigarh moved. I had a similar area of hair loss two fingers behind my original hairline. This area must be grounded in 1800 by FUE technique. Total expenditure amounted to U.S. $ 2,400 the day after surgery, I had no bandages on and I visited the Taj Mahal, symbol of Love.I now has full head of hair. Thanks to the Indian doctor and his staff was simply amazing.
Friday, February 11, 2011

how much hair restoration cost? (hair transplant)?

I have the intention of hair restoration / transplant. A. How much? Please see my avatar image. (Hint: my hair is a little smaller than my avatar image) 2 Bosley you recommend? Three. what disatvantages hair transplantation? (Besides the price) Ardo hey u if it is serious or not an investigation, the man of the people in this country is so lazy! his criticism to a thorough search for a good clinic. the worst thing you could do is get one cheap. I'll break your head for life. Find a hair restoration surgeon prescreened in your area. I suggest you talk to people who had done it. I found this forum that might be useful http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve I do not know much about Rogaine, but if you are in doubt, maybe you should try before starting the procedure. good luck! R. The cost depends on who you are and how hair loss is in the range of Norwood (A chart showing various degrees of hair loss) 2 I've heard bad things about Bosley, including all records DRS formed by L Lee Bosley, and this policy is a Bosley patient life.i / e means that they are at the recommendation of transplantation should be respected, even if you do not really need. Even advisers to wear white coats of the doctors, when in fact theyre also accused of scratching images not.Theyve transplanted to the area look much more complete than it actually is giving. Your best bet is to check portal.com.Sights attractions such as hair loss, created to help people in your sitiation not biased.You also consider checking Extreme Makeover and see who they use. help I know, Insa made some rootstocks for them, which I think was a company called Sword Group, but I can not remember. 3.The disadvantages (excluding fees). A. If they're wrong, it will be like a transplant Pain, especially at the point (the back of the head where they remove a strip of hair for transplantation C redness in the transplanted area may take weeks to be used D. The small chance that the transplant could not .
Thursday, February 10, 2011

How much does hair transplant surgery cost ?

in cases of hereditary hair loss. case is not serious. in each 3dollars satisfied.good hair.i been very lucky. Hair Restoration usually costs between $ 4.000 and $ 5.000, but are expensive at $ 12 000, according to the doctor, and how it has been found to be restored. The site I found indicated that the cost of transplants between 3-10, but the number of a doctor uses a lot of hair graft may therefore suggested he see a doctor and ask. If I were a hair restoration, I see a few different doctors and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each to make their best decision. Who knows, you might be able to indicate the different prices for each physician to see if you can get your favorites to lower the price!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How much will a hair transplant surgery cost either in Brazil or Argentina with a good doctor?

I wonder pricing areas. I know that the cost varies. Please give examples. thanks, I do not know, but maybe if you go to google.com or yahoo.com you can enter the cost of hair transplant or something, and he will give you plenty of results. Perform surgery hair transplant surgery is very cheap India.Cosmetic India.There is a company that is very famous in India that arranges cosmetic surgery for foreigners in so-called precursors Healthcare.I India.They read a lot about them in newspapers and on their histories of patients. I also read that the financing arrangements for U.S. and Canadian patients that cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance.They also photos pasted of their International patients.You can get their website.The cost savings are incredible. As a doctor I personally believe that cosmetic surgery can be easily handled in India as the quality of healthcare available here is simply the best in world.T The surgeons are USA / UK trained and facilities are 5 starIf you did not get the surgery done, you are better to get it done in India. http://www.forerunnershealthcare.com hope this helps.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

on average, how much does a Bosley hair transplant cost?

I know it is variable, but what is the average cost? They look very natural and I would not spend a penny on it, ever. It is better to have a haircut or a bald head, after a transplant. Who said work to do, right? No Sky Sky Crafts grafts. "The transplanted hair will last a lifetime, but Bosley does not have the best representative of the United States of A. Hasson and Wong are masters of their art in Europe, Dr. Fotis Tsounis Athens is bo ** Ocks the dog. Use Choi implanter technique, see website for more information. They say that funding would be $ 50 per month and $ 310 per month. And 'possible to request a free guide and a DVD that will help you calculate. http:// www . bosleysurgical.info
Monday, February 7, 2011

How much did your hair transplant cost and was it worth it?

How are hair transplants? Were you satisfied with the results? Is it painful? Anything I should know? Some guys spend a small fortune trying to sow baldness. They try creams, lotions, pills, wigs, weaves and transplants - but - eventually - have yet to accept the inevitable and agree with the rest of their lives. Life is not always the way it is supposed to be. It 's just the way it is. How do I address is what makes the difference. My hair transplant costs about $ 9,000. was it worth it? For me, absolutely. As for the "pain" is actually a very easy task. It 's just a long day. I must admit that I was afraid, but in reality, hindisght was a piece of cake. I used these sites to do my own research and http://www.hairtransplantmagazine.com/ http://www.hairtransplantinsider.com really do your research and find out if a good hair transplant surgeon. Good luck with your decision.